" Bettine's Concert was an event that smiles out from the stage."
-The New
York Times

Photos by Andrey Alexander
"A true Artist, who includes the audience as part of the
musical experience."
-San Francisco Performances
Excerpts from Shows around the world
Mute the sound of background music on the right hand side play button
You can see all of Bettine's films on her Youtube channel
The CDs of Bettine
To order the CDs of Bettine write to bettine2ontour@outlook.de
Februar 4 : Konzert für das 3. Friedenfest in Salzburg Kollegienkirche 19 00. Solo Flöten und Flutasia Film
März 15: Filmkonzert 'EIne Reise um die Welt' im Kino Utopia in Wasserburg um 15 00 Res. unter info@kino-utopia.de
März 22: Filmkonzert im Cine Chiemgau in Traunreut um 13 00 Res. unter cine-chiemgau.de/Traunreut
März 23: Filmkonzert in Hohenfried bei Bayerisch Gmain um 17 00
April Mai 2025 Konzerte in Brasilien
Sept 27 : Konzert mit Pianist Kana Zorzolo 'Aus Liebe zur Musik' in der Stadthalle Tittmoning um 19 30
September, Oktober, November, Dezember: 8 Filmkonzerte : 'Eine Reise um die Welt ' in Kinos und Theatern in Deutschland
July 15th til July 25th
Solo Shows England, Scotland, Ireland
July 25th til Aug. 6th
Solos Shows Norway, Sweden, Denmark
Sept 18th til Oct 1st
Solo Shows Spain, France, Italy
February and March 2020
Filming a documentary for German and Austrian TV , a European Version of Flutasia A Love Song for a Planet
March 26th 19:30
Solo Show with films and live flutes at Mozart Stift in Ainring near Salzburg
May 7th til May16th
Palma, Lisbon, Cadiz, Valencia,Brügge on World Cruise of Asuka 2 with my Flamenco Fantasy Group
June 8th til June 24th
Solo shows on Ocean Majesty From Kiel to Gdansk
Kalingrad Riga Tallinn St Petersburg , Helsinki, Stockholm and then many places in Norway
June 29th til July 9th
Solo Shows around Iceland
July 27th til August 5th
Solo Shows around Iceland
September 1st til September 12th
Solo Shows around Iceland
more dates to be announced soon
February 4th til 21st
Solo Shows on Black Watch World Cruise from Dubai to Oman, Petra Jordan (watch the music documentary "Bettine and the Magic of Petra"), Turkey and Naples
June 18th til July 1st
Solo Shows England to Iceland and Scotland
July 20th
Flamenco Fantasy Show for Kulturkreis Berchtesgaden in Insula
July 31st til August 7th
Solo Shows on Boudicca to Norway
September 1st til September 9th
Solo Shows on Saga Sapphire Bergen to Tromsoe

27.10 . 2019 FLAMENCO AND OTHER DANCE WORKSHOPS FROM 10:00 to 17:00 info and reservations : www.casa-fura.at / Karin.Sedlar@Casa-Fura.at

17.11. 2019 FLAMENCO-FANTASY KONZERT 19:30 IN AINRING KULTURVEREIN AINRING BEI BAD REICHENHALL DEUTSCHLAND info and reservations: office@kulturverein-ainring.de or TEL 00491604417671
more dates to be announced
April 2nd til April 13th
Solo Shows on Asuka 2 World Cruise from Singapore to Salallah Oman
5th of May
Multi Media Concert with films in the RUKI Theatre in Ruhpolding, Bavaria with Flamenco Tänzerin Carmen, Cecilio Perrera Classical guitarist and Marina Razumoskaya, Piano 19:00
19th of May and 2nd of June
2 Shows at Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden " Journeys around the World " with magnificent films 17:00
Special performance for children 19:00 Predinner Show for Guests
Solo Shows on Saga Pearl2 from Akureyri Iceland to Dover England
Solo Shows on Saga Pearl2 from Southampton to Tangiers Marocco
Bettine's Film, "Flutasia: Love
Song for a Planet"


Scenes from Bettine's Movie: "Flutasia: A Love Song for A
